ThetaHealing® Classes
Interested in becoming a ThetaHealer to work on yourself or others? Anyone can learn how to be a ThetaHealer, its is a powerful opportunity to change your life and the lives of others. The ThetaHealing technique is unique in that it can be used to transform yourself or others in health, wealth, relationships, and expand your spiritual connection.
Basic DNA
3 Consecutive Days
$500 ($100 registration deposit)
Deposit $100 Pay Here
Balance $400 Pay Here
Full Payment $500 Pay Here
Advanced DNA
3 Consecutive Days
$500 ($100 registration deposit)
Manifesting & Abundance
2 Consecutive Days
$500 ($100 registration deposit)
Class Schedule
Dates to be announced, for further details please use the contact form.
For more information and details please use the contact form.
Serving Northern NJ, NYC and surrounding communities by appointment only.